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MPH Monthly Magazine

MPH, the journal of the club, has been published monthly, without a break, since January 1949.  This award-winning magazine has been the core benefit of club membership.  It keeps everyone in touch via writeups of local activities sent in from around the world.  MPH also prints technical articles, historical items, letters, and humor.  Today, communication has been vastly expanded through the Internet.  The Club website is a huge, interactive resource that gives access to a searchable database of technical information.  There are forums for Members to seek technical advice, to publish interesting tid-bits, or just to chat.  There is even a Club Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages. 


The first 4 issues of MPH are shown with more recent editions including the 70th anniversary issue.

Speed and performance have been constant themes near and dear to most Vincent owners. That is reflected in these cover pictures.

MPH is obviously the perfect name for a publication dedicated to the Vincent motorcycle.


10% Discount On Parts Purchased From the VOC Spares Company

Yes, club members receive a 10 percent discount on all parts purchased from The Vincent Owners Club Spares Company. The savings from this benefit alone can easily pay the cost of membership.

Spares Company

The VOC Spares Company Limited is a separately incorporated Company with the Club owning a controlling interest.  The Company supplies virtually every part for the Vincent motorcycle.  It stocks over 100,000 items covering 2,000 lines.  The scope of parts has always included wearable, maintenance, and repair items.  In recent years the lines have expanded to include larger items such as engine castings, and frames.  As a demonstration of its capability, the company assembled a complete Black Shadow entirely from new parts.  The Spares Company is obviously the key to keeping these bikes a truly practical choice for the dedicated rider.


The VOC and the Spares Company operate out of their premises in Desborough, Kettering, UK.  Plans are underway to create a small museum there to display historical artifacts.  For more information visit 

Social Life

Rallies and Club Nights
have always been a mainstay of the Club in the UK.  However, in the mid-1970s there was an explosion of interest and activity in North America.  The first true North American Vincent rallies were held in Ontario, Canada, home of the strongest overseas Section at that time.  Year over year growth of these events was exponential.  In 1977, it was decided that the Vincent world should meet for the first International Rally at Shadow Lake (below), a pretty cottage resort in Haliburton, Ontario.  Plane loads of bikes and people came from around the world.  The attendance number was well over 300.  Since then, International Rallies have been held once every four years in locations as far flung as Australia, New Zealand, England, Germany, Italy, and several spots in North America.  Local rallies and rides keep the VOC calendar full with events for everyone.


When asked what the main benefit of membership is, words like “people” and “family” are most often heard in response.  To belong to the Vincent H.R.D. Owners Club is to surround oneself with true friends who will always be there in time of need.  If you own a Vincent, or aspire to do so one day, the first place to start is the VOC.  If you are considering joining the Club, by all means do so.  It is a step you will never regret.  

Machine Research

As for the machines themselves, every Vincent has a story.  Those stories start with factory records, now owned by the Club.  These days, owners are keenly interested in authenticity and provenance.  Out of the original production of 11,000 post-war machines, the VOC can account for roughly half of those bikes, an extremely high survival rate.  The Club’s Machine Registrar administers machine ownership data compiled since the start of the Club.  As a service, copies of the original Works records are provided to Members on request.  Among many other things, these records show the date of manufacture, road testing notes, and the date and place where shipped.